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Energy work

Energy work sessions are guided intuitively. Smudging, rattles, crystals, aromatherapy, and sound are often used during sessions.

Polarity Therapy is an alternative therapy that involves balancing the flow of energy in the body to improve or maintain health. It was developed by the chiropractor and osteopath Randolph Stone. He believed that energy precedes form and that dis-ease arises from blocks in the energy field of our bodies. These blocks being sources of stomach aches, headaches, muscle strain, depression, anxiety, and myriad of discomforts we experience as living beings. By being present and available we make space for the individual’s inner wisdom to allow for balance and whole-ness, and whatever may arise along the way. May the process be with you. This work is done through holding a series of polarized contacts throughout the body. Awakening and balancing the Life Force Energy in our bodies and minds.

Reiki, the term “reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” which means vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing in which practitioners place their hands on or just above different areas of the body. It is rooted in Eastern medicine belief that living beings have energy fields that support their health and vitality. Energy blocks, on the other hand, impede innate flow of energy, causing not only health problems, but also negative life circumstances. Energy blocks of any living being can be given reiki especially for animals and plants. Reiki practitioners focus on sensing energy blocks and moving the energy for the client.


Private and group sessions available.  Meditation is a practice of observing. A regular meditation practice can deepen one's mental clarity, focus, concentration and allow for more calm energy in life. Pranayama (breath control) techniques, mantras (science of vibration), mudras (hand gestures), and shamanic journeying techniques may be included in any meditation session. Meditation sessions are created unique to your needs.

Yoga nidra (also known as yogic sleep) is a powerful technique, a form of guided meditation, a method of Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses) that allows you to scan the body and tap into a state of relaxed consciouness as the mind settles in a place between wakefulness and sleep.

Gong baths

Gong bath creates a sound current of vibrational healing to the body. Gong bath represents a multi dimensional and ancient form of sound healing. Sound is another energy source. Sound vibrates with different frequencies in the brain and communicates with each cell in the body. Gong bath sessions are intuitively guided to meet your experience. A regular gong bath practice offers lower stress hormones, a stronger immune system, a relaxed state of being to better cope with psychological and physical stress.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, consisting primarily of manual (hands-on) techniques such as applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, and moving muscles and body tissues. Elemental Roots offers specific modalities and integrated sessions. Below are descriptions of different massage modalities, each with their own intention and techniques to approach the body in its own innate healing.

Swedish massage is the most common type of massage therapy. It involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on the topmost layer of muscles. This is also combined with movement of the joints. By relieving muscle tension, increasing circulation, Swedish therapy can be both relaxing and energizing. Purposes for different strokes include; milks the muscle of waste products, assists venous return, takes pressure off nerves by relaxing muscle, loosens scar tissue, supports remodeling in tissue healing, breaks up adhesions, increases circulation, increases peripheral circulation, sensory stimulation, loosens phlegm, and soothing for nervous system.

Connective Tissue Therapy (CTT) touches into the whole person via addressing structural relationships in the body. Each person’s unique form arises from their connective tissue. It works by releasing restrictions in your body’s structural patterns. Focusing on the connective tissue in the body which is the soft tissue that surrounds, supports, protects, and connects each and every structure in the body. With little to no lubricant used the heat and friction created by the contact will serve to “melt” the hyaluronic acid (ground substance of connective tissue) allowing fascia to become more supple. When CT is more supple, the blood, the nerves, and the muscles can all do their jobs more easily. CTT can help relieve chronic pain and tension, ease of movement and flexibility, improves posture, enhance self-awareness, increase breathing capacity, and an overall appreciation of the body as an integrative whole. CTT is the most direct way to restore length and flexibility throughout the muscular system, normalizing the tissue and bringing greater health through the fascial network.

Integrative Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) is a specialized form of deep tissue massage in which we focus on the interaction of the nervous system and muscles. Muscles respond to signals from nervous system. If we repeat behavior enough whether functional or dysfunctional, we develop sensory-motor pathways that become patterned and employ reflex arcs. With these patterns we can develop specific, chronically and involuntarily contracted areas called trigger points. Trigger points cause pain, fatigue, and weakness in the muscle. Trigger points can cause referral pain. This kind of touch can offer a re-education of reflex arcs/trigger points/areas of chronic tension, bringing awareness to the pattern and facilitating change. NMT can help with low back pain, upper back pain, carpal tunnel symptoms, sciatica, hip pain, headaches, plantar fascitis, calf cramps, tendonitis, knee pain, illiotibial band friction syndrome, jaw pain, tempomandibular joint pain.


Private sessions available. Yoga sessions are created intuitively and therapeutically. Yoga is an art and a science. A practice for life that allows us to tune in deeper to the intricacies of the human experience. A regular practice brings immense benefits to one's life physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically.

Hatha Yoga is a system of yoga that teaches pranayama (breath control), asanas (postures), and meditation helping to sense and create balance between body and mind.

Mystical Yoga welcomes all forms of yoga and deeply acknowledges the mystery of the universe. The formless and changeless spirit that exist in everything. The root of this practice comes from mysticism, shamanism, animal archetypes, and the creative spirit within. Mystical yoga utilizes practices of pranayama, asanas, meditation, medicine songs, shamanic journeying techniques, smudging, and chanting.

Thai massage

"An ancient modality from the Far East, Thai massage was founded in the time of the Buddha by his personal physician Dr. Jivaka Kumar. Combining aspects of Yoga, Ayurveda and the internal martial arts, Thai massage has been referred to as the "lazy man's yoga". As the recipient lies relaxed and fully clothed, they are guided through a series of yogic asanas with the intention of bringing the body into balance and internal harmony.

As an ancient healing art that combines the best of acupressure from Thailand and Hatha yoga from India, gentle rocking movements, deep rhythmic compressions, a variety of stretching movements and restorative yoga positions open the body’s complex network of tissue and energy lines. Thai Massage relieves muscular tension and pain, improves circulation, boosts the immune system, and balances the body energetically, facilitating mind-body integration. A session of Thai Massage results in restoring a healthy, balanced energetic flow to the recipient. It is a complete therapeutic treatment on its own, and may also be incorporated into other modalities of massage or into yoga classes." Resource


Ceremonies are available as private or small group sessions. Meditation, sound healing, smudging, drums & rattles, medicine songs and chants, cacao and tea may be included in a ceremony. Ceremonies intend to meet you where you are. Ceremonies are a way to intentionally celebrate, acknowledge, honor, and create moments of reverence. Some examples include baby blessings, mother’s blessing, honoring cycles of life…


Table, Thai, or Energy work

60 mins~$90

90 mins~ $130

120 mins~$150

Yoga and ceremonies

$25/per person

Each session is unique to the client’s needs. Sliding scale for financial assistance, packages for 3,5, 10 sessions, and group rates (yoga, ceremonies, meditation) available use connect page for inquiry.
