Client & Practitioner Policies
Appointment is confirmed with practitioner. This includes time, day, location, and the type of offering. Practitioner has reliable contact information from client.
Arrive on time. If first time client expect a longer intake to ensure practitioner has the information needed for session.
If client needs to cancel or reschedule contact practitioner in a timely manner prior to appointment time.
If practitioner needs to cancel or reschedule the client will be contacted in a timely manner prior to the appointment time.
Practitioner may refer clients to other practitioners if needed.
If client is receiving massage therapy, client will be draped and covered at all times on the table.
Practitioner will terminate session if client does not abide by Florida laws in the scope of a massage therapy practice. No misconduct, harassment, or behavior will be tolerated. Local authorities will be contacted.
Payment can be settled after appointment. Cash is preferred. Credit/debit cards accepted.
What to expect….
Parking is in the back of the building.
Enter through the front or back door, Practitioner (Elaina) will be there to meet and show you the space.
Practitioner and client will sit down and do a verbal intake. Practitioner may take notes for understanding client’s needs for session.
Once intake is complete, practitioner will go through procedures and elements of the work.
Elemental Roots utilizes smudging before, during, or after sessions to clear energy and create a sacred space for work. Essentials oils, shea butter, cocoa butter, and herbal infused oils may be used during a session. Let practitioner know if you have any allergies or issues with these products during intake or prior to appointment.
Practitioner ensures to create a comfortable, safe, and relaxing environment and encourages client to communicate their needs throughout the session.
Please take time to read and ask any questions before appointment by contacting Elaina via text message 954.675.5534 or email
Thank you for your time & energy.
With gratitude,
Elaina Ziesche
Licensed Massage Therapist; MA#94154
Owner & Practitioner of Elemental Roots
House of Yin 1624 NW 6th ST
Gainesville, FL 32609